Who We Are

International Organization that represents the Junior Enterprises
Network Worldwide.

We are currently composed by 19 Confederations ,18 National in 17 countries and one continental, all united in JE Global with the following mission:

Strengthen the Junior Enterprises Global Network towards boosting educational,economical and collaborative impact.

Our Confederations

Our History

The first Junior Enterprise was founded in 1967 in France .

However, only in 2006 was created a global cooperation agreement signed between the European and Brazilian Confederations, which led to the creation of the Junior Enterprise World Conference (JEWC).

In JEWC 2016, the second-ever JE Global Forum was held.

National leaders united to discuss the next steps for the International Network and the main resolution was the foundation of the JE Global Council as a collaboration platform within the founder members. Two years later, in 2018, it was decided that the JE Global Council would be renamed as Junior Enterprises Global, reflecting how the organization grew beyond the initial council in order to better deliver its work.

Our Actions


Partnerships and programs to stimulate the creation of new Junior Enterprises. Support for JEs and Pre-Confederation in more than 20 countries around the world.


Support for the National Confederations. Connection programs to increase collaboration in the Network.

Our team

To execute all our programs and activities, we have an executive team, composed of 4 board members and a team of managers. Beyond this team, a group of ambassadors helps us promote the JE concept in more countries.

Executive Board

Marta Girão


Ana Luisa Alves de Sousa

secretary general

Lennart Jordan
